Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Got it!

I got the job at Road Runner Industries! I am so happy! It is a wonderful place to work. Have only worked 2 days, but already I know I will love it! The inside of the building is full of trucks and stuff in need of transporting, and the outside is an old style large red brick warehouse. It has many large exits for large trucks, like the one I used to drive for Daisy Produce Distributors. And the trucks... They are wonderful! They drive great! Smooth.... The manager is amazing. Her husband is my driving teacher for the time being, and both are very nice people. He is just there to ensure I can drive safely and know what I am doing. Susanne, the manager, is a nice lady, and seems like she will be the perfect boss. She is kind to those who deserve it, but she knows when she has to be firm as well. Everyone that works there seems to be just perfect, well all except one. His name is John. He is loud and obnoxious. He loads the trucks and I can hardly stand when he is loading mine. He never stops complaining and whines the entire time he is loading you. However, with everyone else being so kind, he is of no worry to me. I so far love the job, and can't wait to see what else will come! :)

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