Thursday, June 17, 2010

Levels (For Mr.H)

All blog level 1's are during May.

Whereas all blog level 2's are during June.

May 11-May 31 are all level 1.

June 14-June 17 are all level 2.


Map of the Galapagos

A dream breakfast nook-- In the future I have so many plans...
First off, I would like to have a couple more children, I love my daughter so much, and still have so much more love to give! I would like to have another daughter, and then a son, but no matter what I would be happy.
I want to live in the same house we do now, it is a beautiful home, and I would like it to be the place where my children get to grow up. Though the house is fairly small, so, I would like to do some renovations, and extend the house. A room for each child. I would not want to make them have to share a room. I would like to redo my house, just in the ways I have always dreamed, a huge yellow kitchen with a gorgeous permanent island in the middle, and a dining room with both fancy and more laid back furniture. A wonderful long table in the middle for when family comes up, with a sparkling chandelier above. But off to the side I would want a comfortable breakfast nook. Or perhaps, this could all be in two separate rooms, wouldn't that be wonderful! As well I would like to update our house to have an entertainment room, and a room to just sit and talk, with some nice leather furniture, though it would still have to be very comfortable. But not only would I want to improve my house, but also add to our livestock.
It would be wonderful to have at least a dozen of each! Oh how I love my farm. I would like to be rich enough to not need a job, though I would still drive my truck, just not as often. That way I could spend a lot more time at home with my children and tending to our farm. Oh what a life that would be!
I would love to spend a week out of town with my husband, kayaking through the Galapagos Islands. Especially if my mom would come into town for then to watch the children, that way I would feel ensured that they were safe.
I love my job driving for Road Runner Industries, and would never want to lose that. But to have a little bit more time with the family would be great.
To win the lottery and stop working for a year would be an amazing experience. Just a break for awhile to get a taste of the chosen unemployment life.
Oh all the dreams I have... Let time go, and see what comes. Fight for what you want, but only if you really know what you want.
Dare to dream everyone, dare to dream!

My Life Up To Now

Terrace, B.C.

Everything is going so perfectly for me. My daughter is growing up beautifully! It is amazing how fast they age! Her hair is growing longer, wonderful golden curls, and her eyes have become a gorgeous baby blue. She is keeping healthy and I love her to bits. My husband and I are so happy now that I have a job again. Without a job everything was a little strained, but with love we made it through. He is continuing to take care of a few children a day, and that helps us financially. The children love him, I think he is the most amazing father ever! We are hoping to have another child soon! Wish us luck! Our farm is prospering, and our animals are all healthy and well fed. The job is just getting better everyday, and I recently got a raise, and more holiday time. My husband and I are hoping to make a family trip to Terrace to visit my family soon. It has been awhile since I have seen them, and it has felt like forever! Everything is going just great! I can't even imagine how it could get any better! I have the most wonderful family, job, and home. I love my life!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Got it!

I got the job at Road Runner Industries! I am so happy! It is a wonderful place to work. Have only worked 2 days, but already I know I will love it! The inside of the building is full of trucks and stuff in need of transporting, and the outside is an old style large red brick warehouse. It has many large exits for large trucks, like the one I used to drive for Daisy Produce Distributors. And the trucks... They are wonderful! They drive great! Smooth.... The manager is amazing. Her husband is my driving teacher for the time being, and both are very nice people. He is just there to ensure I can drive safely and know what I am doing. Susanne, the manager, is a nice lady, and seems like she will be the perfect boss. She is kind to those who deserve it, but she knows when she has to be firm as well. Everyone that works there seems to be just perfect, well all except one. His name is John. He is loud and obnoxious. He loads the trucks and I can hardly stand when he is loading mine. He never stops complaining and whines the entire time he is loading you. However, with everyone else being so kind, he is of no worry to me. I so far love the job, and can't wait to see what else will come! :)


I got a phone call to come down for an interview! I'm so excited! I can't wait. I have to prepare and be ready. I must dress nice, appearance and all counts too! Wish me luck!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

And now to wait...

Today, I put in my job specific resumer for Road Runner Transport. I asked one of the conselors at the Canada Emplyoment Center to look over and give me some suggestions, and then I rewrote it very carefully. It must be perfect. This job is perfect for me, I must get it! I took it in to Road Runner, and they told me that they would call in 3 to 4 days. I sure hope I get the call, I am really quite excited!

Finding my Resume

I found my Resume that I created a year ago for applying at Daisy Produce Distributors. I was feeling kind of upset looking back at it, and realizing the wonderful driving job that I have lost. But I am also very optimistic about applying at Road Runner Transport! I have updated my resume, so now it is perfect for the job I am trying for. I think I shall apply tomorrow! I am very excited for this! Wish me luck!

Found the Perfect Job!

I think I may have found the perfect job! Now to prepare! When job hunting I stopped by the Employment Center again, and noticed a very interesting advertisement for Road Runner Transport. It looked perfect for me! So now I must recreate my Resume and get it into the manager at Road Runner Transport. Transport Truck, here I come!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Layoff Notice. What to do?!

I recently received a layoff notice from my employer, Daisy Produce Distributors. She handed it to me and I opened it immediately. I was devastated. A job loss due to the environment, loss of crops meant less drivers need. So they downsized their workers. I was lost to think of where we would get out money now. Without me having a job, my husband started looking into jobs around the community. Better paying than being a child giver. I went down to the Employment Center searching for a job. There I met 3 people who were recently laid off for environmental issues as well. None quite the same but each with their own unique story. It was wonderful to talk to them, without a job, just like me. Mike told me, "Don't worry about it. I am sure we will all find work shortly. Don't feel sad. We will recover and be back on our feet very soon!". He was a nice guy, and very comforting to the fact that we were all without a job. Sugarcane announced that she was going job hunting the next day, and thought she had already found a job that was perfect for her. I am feeling much more confident now that I have talked to others in my position! Tomorrow I shall go job hunting!